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Category: Blog

Ms. Smith – Connecting with my Multicultural Community

In April 2019, Houston was named as the most diverse city in the U.S. by WalletHub. As I start each school year in Katy, Texas, a suburb in west Houston, I can attest that this is true. In the 2017-2018 school year, I had students from Turkey

Ms. Marsh – Fostering Two-way Communication with Parents

I am an English Language Development teacher in St. Charles, MO. For the last three years, I have been able to work with every fifth grade English Language Learner in our district. In my first year teaching, to be honest, I only communicated with families when there was a big behavior problem with a student and for Parent Teacher Conferences. There was this void in communication and partnership that was not healthy to student learning. The families didn’t fully know what their kids were learning or how they were growing. I felt helpless to communicate effectively with my students’ families because I wasn’t fluent in their home languages.

Ms. Carter – Connecting teachers and families

Ms. Carter is a second grade teacher in Los Angeles, CA. Two years ago, her school adopted TalkingPoints and she’s seen a complete change in her parents’ involvement. Before TalkingPoints, […]

Mr. Khabushani – Connecting teachers and families

Mr. Khabushani is a middle school history teacher in Los Angeles, CA. He learned about TalkingPoints from his school principal and used it communicate with families in their home languages. […]

TalkingPoints – WestEd Study Report: TalkingPoints Increases Parent Engagement for Student Success

Strong parent-teacher partnerships are key to supporting students’ success in the classroom. When teachers and parents are in regular communication about students’ needs, progress and successes, students feel supported, motivated […]

Sending Positive Messages Home Improves Student & Parent Engagement

Last year, Ms. Eganhouse was an elementary school teacher and building technology specialist in Des Moines, Iowa. She had heard about TalkingPoints from her graduate school course on building strong […]

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